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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are you in Santa Rose, CA? Bravon's Master Class this weekend!

Hi Beauties!
 I just wanted to know if any of you will be attending Bravon Pascua's Master Class? It will be a one hour session class. It is on Saturday March 5th. You can choose to attend the 11am to 12 pm class or the 2 pm to 3pm class. The tickets are $100 but are refundable in product purchase so learn for free & pick up all your favorite products!  And believe me, their is no one better to learn from than Bravon! The price includes the ticket for entry to the Master Class as well as an appointment for a makeunder with a National Makeup Artist. If anyone knows makeup it is him! So if you'd like to attend call Macy's Santa Rosa Store store at (707) 523-3333 ext.2341

 For those attending if you spend $150 or more you will receive a free gift! The Making Of A Glamorista is an exclusive gift to those attending the Master Class and spending over $150. This kit loooks so beautiful & the gloss has my heart a flutter!



  1. hmm, wonder how much an airline tix to CA is today????

  2. Darnit! I missed this and this is my home town!!!
